21 Mar A day in the Life: A Furry Creek Bride
Once upon a time is a fitting introduction that could be used for today, as the sun rises over the Coastal Mountains overlooking Howe Sound, the hum of mowers buzz in the distance. Birds sing as the cascading sunlight hits the upper windows of the clubhouse for the first time this morning. Golfers are checking in, loading into carts eagerly waiting to be dispatched to the first hole. The sky is clear, and a slight breeze coming from the North is keeping any thought of clouds on this perfect day at bay. With coffee prepared, and fruit tray laid out for the arrival of today’s VIP guests. But today, it will not be a famous actor or athlete teeing it up with the rest of our green fee guests. The first van that rolls in is a stylist, then shortly after a makeup artist. As they make their way to the Furry Creek bridal suite they are pleased with the amount of room and light they have to work with. They begin to assemble their tools as the refreshments are delivered followed shortly after by a black van with tinted windows…the VIP guests have arrived. The timing and the arrival have been perfect to this point and are a good omen for the rest of the day. Out steps, today’s guest of honor, dressed in casual streetwear followed by a gaggle of ladies here to serve her today. This morning she may feel nerves and anxiety, but by this afternoon those will be feelings of anticipation and utter joy. Met at the door by her personal guide, and led down to their own private suite where mimosas and the other refreshments are revealed. Simultaneously, a second van arrives with a group of men this time. Their golf carts await as bags of clubs are loaded, beverages are placed in the coolers and they are ready for the relaxation before the commotion and nervousness that ensues. As the four head to the first tee and hit their first shots from high above the first fairway into the amazing vastness, the ladies laugh and chat in the solitude of the Bridal Suite. This is just the beginning of a day as a Furry Creek Bride and Groom!
Today they are greeted by a slight mist and a crashing thunder only slightly drowned out by the enchanting music filling the sky in preparation for the imminent ceremony on this early Summer day.
Months and possibly years of meticulous planning have come to a head today. Soon friends and family will arrive to join the celebration. Today is the beginning of a fairy tale and the Princess and Prince will be showered with praises, gifts, and perfect weather to mark the first day of the rest of their lives. The chairs are being set up, and the aroma from the kitchen begins to fill the halls of the clubhouse as the bridal party begins to assemble. A bus pulls in front of the clubhouse as guests begin to arrive. The entrance now looks like a beehive, teeming with activity. Flowers are in place, drinks are being served, and the good wishes of the family who have not seen each other in years echo through the building. As nearly 150 people culminate to their seats overlooking the waterfall, today they are greeted by a slight mist and a crashing thunder only slightly drowned out by the enchanting music filling the sky in preparation for the imminent ceremony on this early Summer day. The groomsmen and ushers enter this secluded area and the musical tone changes as everyone rises for the guest of honor who is about to enter. All eyes are on her, as her dress shimmers in the sun surrounded by her personally selected entourage. The moment they have both been anticipating is here as they catch each other’s eyes for the first time today as matching, simultaneous, single tears twinkle in the daylight down the cheeks of the two.
Later, the attention shifts to the Pacific Ballroom and the smell of a Grand Banquet fit for a King. Options abound at what to sample first. Wine is poured and the unmistakable snap of beer bottles opening can be heard as the chatter of the guests begins to increase while platters of hors d’oeuvres are served to give the feel of a majestic soiree and everyone knows the guest of honor. While everyone wets their whistle and tantalizes their taste buds the newly married couple are escorted throughout the course in the twilight of this early Summer afternoon. An intimate shot near a towering rock wall; a fun beach shot with their bridal party, and private shots among the wildflowers like out of fantasy are just a few of the stops on this photo tour. All the while, the newlyweds are served champagne, and their own assortment of appetizers before returning to the clubhouse to once again be greeted by the many wellwishers.
The music changes once again as it has so many times today orchestrating the itinerary of this magical moment. The bridal party enters, the lights lower and a slow dance begins. Hundreds of twinkle lights make her dress glow as the flash of cameras give the aura of something from a movie. She spins perfectly in tune with the song the chose months ago that will eventually fade into a more upbeat tune where the entire congregation joins them and then move into dinner. The stress is erased, the anxiety is gone, and the rest of the night is about fun. To celebrate the nuptials of…(your name here) and they lived happily ever after.
Congratulations, your search is complete!
Every year Furry Creek Golf & Country Club plays host to dozens of weddings that begin and end in the same fashion but also all hold their unique twist and personal touches. We are flexible to your ideas, open to your suggestions and here to serve…after all, this is YOUR day.
Inquire about your chance to book one of the limited spots around your magical date at BC’s Most Scenic Wedding Venue…Furry Creek! BW
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